The past few weeks I have been preparing for visits. First I did the Library Association Conference. After a few technical glitches, the presentation went off without a hitch. Librarians have a great job, and it was great to sign for them and see their enthusiasm for the work that goes into books in general. In another week, I'll be in Douglas Wyoming for three days presenting to all ages. This will be an intense couple of days that I'm looking forward to. Hopefully the kids will get something out of it and we'll all walk away happy. Presenting to children of all ages is the best payoff in this business. I love the feedback and interaction. It's always nice to open a younger mind to the possibility of a creative future.

I will also be having a book launch party at the Casper Ice Arena on October 18th from 1 pm to 3pm. The event will feature the book signing as well as a buy one get one free ice skate for the attendees. Should be a lot of fun. A big thanks to 'Wind City Books' for sponsoring the event. If you're in town, please stop by.
Aside form the book projects, I'm taking a little break to fit in some editorial work. I nice change to meet a crazy deadline and do a bit of edgy work. Some political situation we're in right now, and working on the books only, I was feeling a bit out of the loop. So here it is, the pencil for the latest political workings. Hope you enjoy it. I'll post the oil painting as soon as it's completed.

Thanks for reading this ramble. Hopefully I'll be able to keep it shorter by doing them more frequently. Until next time. Do good work.
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